Content about the stuff I love ♥ #motogpUp-to-the-minute news, exclusive interviews, objective opinions - you will not find them here. Sorry.
Instead expect amateurish race reviews, statements I found worth spreading, my opinions (don't laugh and better recpect them) and a little bit of offtrack-offtop.
Regarding to the practical part, in:
"THE FACTS" - you will find news, analyses, press statements and anything interesting that rider/menager/sponsor/mechanic etc. will ever say
"REVIEWS" - race/books/movies reviews, riders' notes or reports from my MotoGP trips
"RESPECT MY OPINION" - my viewpoints. Title slightly inspired by VR46 vs. JL99 dispute in Misano.
"OFFTRACK" - literally e v e r y t h i n g
"ENG" - content in english
In case of any other questions do not hesitate to CONTACT me. Feedback under my posts will be more than welcome.
Polish girl born in nineties. Fangirling 24/7 mode on!I distinguish Yamaha's sound from Honda's...
know what wheelie is...
cheer for Lorenzo...
have no words for Marquez's ride...
remember Stoner's era....
believe in life after Rossi...
in spare time explore secrets of Ducati's fairings...
in the future I'm gonna have the tattoo like Juanito LLansa...
... and most of all can't imagine my life without MotoGP.
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